Deer Prints in the Snow Poem
I see their prints in snow smaller than our hands but their bodies large, mighty, graceful destroying trucks with final breaths, sharp bones shattering glass blood coating heated metal dashboard crumpling in towards our boots the lasting impact of a dead animal
Average Day & Today’s Schedule
My typical day starts with waking up between 4:30 and 5:30 am. At this point my roommate is still asleep, so I do this as silently as I can. I creep around getting dressed and putting my charged electronics into my backpack (the loudest part). I have to make the daily choice of whether I…
Old Project
This was a project from freshman year where we were getting used to Photoshop and Illustrator. Keep in mind that much of this was done with a mouse and I had little experience with the programs. The reference and the result:
Board Game
We made board games in one of my classes (CGT 115 – Intro to Games). It was a really fun project! I was in a group of three: a lead designer (me) in charge of card text and the board; lead producer in charge of formatting, typing out rules, and general aid; and lead artist…
I don’t have much to say, but here’s a quick drawing of character Technoblade, a YouTuber I like.
Moon Tree Poem
they were taken and they learned the darkness absorbed into their souls now growing to fit its expanse of knowledge about caring for stars mostly hidden, in the secret tunnels under the dirt the lost galaxies and dead stars are traveling once more, growing still from seeds that have reached the moon I like this…
Quick Thoughts on Silicon Valley and the Pentagon
I had to read an article for my HONRS class, and it got me thinking about Silicon Valley in general. Here’s the link: (https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/09/12/why-the-military-must-learn-to-love-silicon-valley-pentagon-google-amazon/) According to the article, Silicon Valley could be the key to new military technology, which I find surreal. Especially interesting is that the old address of the tech company Theranos, for…
My Current Playlist
I like to name my playlist weird memorable names depending on my mood, but I haven’t added these all to a playlist yet. I think the name will probably be either: full sound mosimo or i only brush my teeth at night. in no particular order: Apocalypse Whenever [album] by Bad Suns How A Man…
10th Grade Poems
Poems I wrote most of in 10th grade: Today was a normal day at school and I ate my regular amount, But I still feel nauseous from being nervous I just wanted to write a little bit real quick before I go to distract myself with the internet and music Dear Diary, Another Essay of…
Reading Thoughts
As a Californian, I was surprised and honestly a little disappointed that California is the state with the lowest literacy rate in the US. According to the International Assessment of Adult Competencies and the National Center for Education, about 22 percent of American adults (around 73 million people) aren’t proficient in reading. The average American…