Adonis Tuggle

Yesterday, African American Purdue student, Adonis Tuggle was assaulted by White American officer Jon Selke.

Tuggle’s girlfriend, with whom he was arguing when the police were called, filmed the act of police brutality.

The video shows the campus police officer pushing Tuggle into the snow and pressing his elbow against Tuggle’s neck.

Tuggle says, “you’re choking me” multiple times and begs the officer to stop.

The video is awful. I cannot imagine what Tuggle went through, and he probably feared for his life.

Purdue later released a statement condemning the act and offering mental health resources.

I don’t know how politics or campus police work, but the Purdue University PD needs to fire Selke for his outrageous conduct.

I hope Adonis Tuggle will get justice.

I’m not trying to make everything about me, but I honestly don’t know what else to say on this topic. I’m so used to sharing personal stories in responses to my friends’ emotions that I don’t know how to express remorse or connect with someone without doing so. All I can really say is:

I regret that I profit from a system and society of oppression that hurts innocent people like Adonis Tuggle.

I hope Adonis Tuggle will get justice.

4 responses to “Adonis Tuggle”

  1. You are right, Lily, this is very upsetting. I understand that policemen are people with feelings, but his job is to control himself even if a younger man gets angry and in his face (no idea if he did, but assume he was angry at the time(I would be). With all that has happened in the US, the policeman should have learned how to behave.

  2. Thank you for sharing this and the powerful statement from the student government. Are there protests or petitions planned? I know there is a growing movement to remove police from college campuses – perhaps there are strategies they’ve found effective. Hopefully the Purdue administration will listen to the students and take action (but I won’t hold my breath).

  3. I read through the timeline. This happened last Friday, a vice provost raised the issue soon after, the police conducted an “internal investigation”, and determined this week that the officer just did what police do and cleared him. Then in the last 2 days it became public, fortunately supported by video, and only then the officer was suspended. Very familiar story (as long as you have video)..

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