Friendship Friday

While waiting for my last class last Monday, I confided in my friend that I’d been obsessed with two songs from the Treasure Planet soundtrack. I’d been listening to them on repeat for the past week and had worked up the dying urge to rewatch treasure planet.

We started to discuss this movie, why it was awesome, and what we remembered. We were clearly both excited about this movie, so I looked up what platform it was on. It turned out it’s on Disney+, which I do not have. I lamented this obvious tragedy to her, but to my surprise she said that she had Disney+. I did some quick social calculations and determined that she might be offering to host a treasure planet movie night for us.

However, when I showed enthusiasm for this idea, she… totally sounded excited too. (got you) I obviously said that that would be amazing, and we compared schedules. We decided that we would walk to her place after our shared class on Friday to watch the movie.

Once Friday rolled around, I started counting down the clock for treasure planet time. Weirdly, class got cancelled, and we had to shift our plans. We decided that we will just meet at her place after I finished my classes and had lunch.  

I ate my lunch, (large smoothie in barbecue rice bowl) And rushed off to her dorm. I got there around 2pm. At that point it had gotten much colder and having my hands out of my pockets for even little bits of time was unbearable.

But everything was fine and dandy once I got inside her dorm.

She gave me a juice box which I greatly appreciated, and we started the movie.

Treasure Planet was awesome – better than I remember and very pretty.              

There’s this amazing YouTube video that someone put together that dives deeper into how awesome the film is and how much thought was put into it that I very much enjoy. I’ll link it here because another interesting aspect was that Disney intentionally flopped the movie.

Also we definitely made fun of peoples last names in the credits, weirdly finding a lot of J names.

When the movie ended, I don’t think either of us was really done hanging out. We both still had pretty full social batteries and, since it was Friday, a lot of time to kill, so we decided that we would watch another movie.

While looking for options, I find out that she hasn’t watched two of my favorite animated movies: the Iron Giant and Sinbad. I decided that even though Sinbad has a special place in my heart, the Iron Giant is objectively a better film and also still has a special place in my heart.

So we start the movie and, as usual, it’s pretty fucking awesome.

I really enjoyed the film a lot this time compared to other times I’ve watched it with my friends because this friend shared interest in animation, narrative structure, film, and entertainment. It felt a lot more fulfilling to introduce this amazing movie to a friend who would fully appreciate it. PS watching this movie with dad is also fun because he’s gotten used to my raving. Because of this shared interest we were pretty giddy the entire time, loving every detail that the movie offered.

Once the movie was done, I went back to my dorm very happy at the solidifying of new friendship.

4 responses to “Friendship Friday”

  1. Sounds like an awesome Friday evening! I don’t think I’ve seen Sinbad or even heard of Treasure Planet, although it sounds like Disney tanked the latter, so I guess that makes sense.

  2. Hell yeah, Iron Giant.
    I’d suggest that the grandparents should share their Disney+ account with you, but it was definitely a benefit here that you didn’t have one.

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